
Namphong Coffee, Vietnam

CoffeeShop Tour Record

Drink & Environemnt

ICE Coconat Coffee



Lovely Orange Cat

Talk with the shop keeper

My Question:

  1. How long have you open this coffeeshop?

    Half year, 7months, popular

  2. Can you tell me about the design of your coffee shop? What experience do you aim to provide for your customers?

  1. What makes Vietnamese coffee unique, and how do you incorporate this uniqueness into your offerings?

    drift coffee, after war, more popular than espresso based coffee

    • Which coffee classical: (5)

      • egg coffee

        war, not much condense milk, so Chef in Hanoi use raw egg as cream on top of coffee liquid

        • two egg on top, 搅拌机, 20min to cook, add honey, suger, milk inside
      • Yogurts Coffee

        • some viet like, but keeper don’t
      • Salts Coffee

        • SALT on coffee, condense coffee

        • some viet like, but keeper don’t

        • [salt, wipping cream, milk, coffee]

      • white coffee: coffee foam top, fresh milk bottom

      • like Dirty in China

        Half robersta

        keeper’s fa

      • cafe sua da: coffee with condense milk , more robersta

      • coconut coffee: ice band ice

      • innovation of ice for efficenicy and hot for winter choice

        traditionally no hot version

        Recipe: coconut cream, little fresh milk condense milk, add expresso

        Drift coffee -> foam able

  2. Have you heard Specialty Coffee Movement? What’s your attitute to it


It’s a cozy coffee shop in front of the sea, with many European visitor .

春节后的店里很多越南民族装饰品, 喜气的同时又与欧陆的咖啡调性不冲突,矮矮的椅子也适宜坐下吹吹海风,店里的音乐品位也很好,午后歇息看看书写写字再适合不过了

